WOW I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted. I certainly didn't mean to be gone that long - but it's been busy with lots of different things going on.
So a little business first - For those of you who ordered books/patterns at the Gail Pan workshop they arrived while I was in Duluth last week for the quilt show. Today I shipped them all out so you should see them in your mailbox by Thursday.
As you know No Blog Sandy and Anne/Cottons-n-Wools came to visit right before quilt market. (The plan right now is for me to head out next July to visit them and head to the quilt show in Sisters - that will be fun)
We sure had fun and lots of laughs. The last day before Sandy had to head home I took them on a road trip to a few shops with Quilt Haven in Hutchinson and Sewing Seeds in New Ulm to name a few
Market was fun and always inspiring to see so many wonderful things under one roof. Yes I did do a little purchasing but mostly patterns for future projects.
After quilt market Gail Pan came back with me to teach her workshop on embroidery and applique
That was such a fun night. I only wish I could have sat in on the lesson and learn a few tips myself. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and certainly enjoyed listening and visiting with Gail.
Its been busy around the Farmhouse and I have to admit there has been little sewing going on. I think I've mentioned that the youngestfarmhouseson is getting married here the early part of July. With the weather nice outside work has kicked in as well as getting things finished inside - time is ticking. My future DIL wanted an arbor built for the ceremony - so hubby and a friend got that taken care of last week. Here they are hard at work. The end result was exactly what she wanted and there will be fresh flowers on part of it.
I've been shopping for flowers and the pots are starting to fill in and bloom and hopefully I can keep them looking good for the wedding
We are so excited and honored that they choose to have the ceremony here. This is a special place for them and now it will be part of a very special moment in their lives ..... as well as ours.
So what's new at Farmhouse Woolens - not much lol. My plan for now is to concentrate on the wedding coming up and put Farmhouse Woolens on vacation. I have family that will be staying here during the wedding, a grooms dinner we are hosting here as well as other moments that need to be planned and taken care of. My list is long lol. Plus a couple of grandbabies I want to enjoy lake time with. After thinking about things I've decided to take what's left of the summer after the wedding off - I'm going on a staycation and plan on enjoying the lake and hopefully beautiful weather. I know your all in the same boat - trying to be outside as much as you can during the short time we have summer around and sewing is put on the back burner. Many of you have gardens of both flowers and vegies - they don't take care of themselves do they. What I will be doing tho is stitching up some samples and getting my ducks in a row for the autumn/holiday season. I do hope to give you sneak peeks during the summer of things to come and touch base every now and then during the summer just to stay in touch. I'm also going to be working on a fun Christmas Gathering up in the nest that I hope you might be interested in. There won't be a guest teacher - but it will be a day full of inspiration to help you kick start the fall/holiday season. Look for details around the end of August here on the blog. My time frame for this event will be sometime towards the end of October. I so enjoyed the workshop with Gail Pan up in the nest that I want to offer something like that again with a holiday spin.
So enjoy your summer and be safe if you have trips planned. I hope you can sneak in some needle and thread time - a few stitches here and there really add up to a finished project. I'm looking forward to a beautiful wedding for our son and future DIL. No matter what the day brings, memories will be made and they will be married. I plan on enjoying the ride getting there and the arrival lol. Afterwards I look forward to some heavy needle and thread time.
Happy Summer
Here we go again - it's Wednesday already. I can't believe how fast the weeks are going. This morning my sister was talking to me about a wedding shower for our future DIL. So between the 3 of us the earliest date is the end of June - how crazy is that. Life sure can get busy can't it. The wedding ceremony will be held here at our home lakeside the middle of July - which means 3 months. There was just a slight nudge of panic that set in this morning - one of many I'm sure.
Thank you for all your orders last week. Everything shipped out on Monday - priority mail so many of you may even see it today. I normally try to ship in 1-2 days - but this last grouping I put 1-3 days as I was under the weather last week. Both the hubs and I are feeling better but not 100% yet - but moving in the right direction - I guess that's all you can ask.
This week it's a little quieter on the website. I've listed a couple of quilt kits from my friend that come packaged in darling little wooden boxes. First up is a quilt called Pure Joy and made up in Kansas Troubles Fabrics. The border is a black
It comes packaged in this cute little wooden box
Next up is Brick Wall of Wabash County by Sew Unique Creations
also comes boxed up in this cute little wooden box
Otherwise that's all that's new on my end - other than shipping it's been a bit quiet on the sewing front - which I hope to change tomorrow and get into the nest and start something. I did finish up my 3 blocks for my monthly challenge that I'm doing with a couple of friends - Anne - Cottons/Wool and No Blog Sandy. This is a From My Heart to Your Hands pattern called Fit to Frame #6 Here are mine from this months challenge
and these were from last month -
Head on over to Anne's blog and check out their blocks. I'm doing mine in a mixture of cottons and wools on cotton backgrounds. They are doing theirs all in wool and on cotton backgrounds - fun to see how different they can look. So for me a little wool and a little needle turn applique - my favorite mix? Maybe I should consider kitting these up - any interest.
Hope your all enjoying some needle and thread time. It's good for the soul. See you next week.
Well here we are starting a brand new month. Have you had any jokes pulled on you yet? I did read something on facebook that I fell for - but then realized it was a joke for April Fools day.
Well how was your week last week - did you get some sewing time in - start some fun spring projects - clean out your area? Hopefully you had some type of contact with your favorite hobby. Even cleaning and organizing your nest can be a happy time. If your like me you find all kinds of things you forgot you had lol. Hubby and I went on a wonderful vacation to the caribbean with several close friends and had a great time with lots of relaxation and laughs. We also both brought home colds - thankfully right at the end of the trip. Sometimes thats how it rolls - right? It was worth it to be in the sun and heat. I even got a little stitching done when I needed out of the sun because it was hot - can you believe it - being to hot - it was great lol.
I'm pleased to say that the workshop with Gail Pan is now full and I've started a waiting list. Thank you to everyone who signed up for it. My plan is to offer you a fun inspiring evening with Gail with a little bit of handwork, eye candy and some good food. So if your still interested and missed signing up just send me your name and I will add it to the list. I might be able to squeeze a couple more in but I won't know until later on. I want there to be plenty of room for everyone to be comfortable and enjoy themselves.
So I'm continuing with the destashing of a few more things. Today I listed some wool bundles and small fat quarter fabric bundles.
As I said before - I really have no need anymore for small pieces of wool or fat quarters of fabric. Any kitting I do I start with large pieces of both and to have these sitting around just doesn't make much sense to me. I also found a few more marking pencils, glue sticks and a couple of packages of binder clips. I also marked down a couple of spring kits that you can still have ready for this spring. I'm getting close to being where I want to be with my stock - but next week will still bring a few more bundles of wool and fabric and then that should be it. Frankly I've run out of energy to list anymore and it's time to rest a bit. Coughing sure wears a person out.
So enjoy the week and I hope your Easter is a blessed time with family, friends or both.
See you next Wednesday and I hope any spare time you have is spent with needle and thread.
So it must be time for a blog posting here at the Wooly Nest. WOW again thank you for all of your orders on the great clean-out in the nest. I'm thankful for all of them and I hope your putting those goodies to good use. I spent a good portion of the last few days trying to reorganize the space - not there yet but getting close. Then I can start adding the pretties and fun accents to make the nest look like the vision in my head. Also I've had a few of you email me about the quilt in my blog header under the bunny. That's a quilt I made many moons ago and I so wish I knew the pattern or the designer name but I don't - just to long ago. Dang I even handquilted that baby - now you know it was a long time ago lol. But here's a close up of it

Today I want to talk to you about an upcoming workshop in May with Gail Pan here at the nest. For those of you who are new to her - Gail is a wonderfully sweet and warm quilter from way across the pond in Australia. I met Gail several markets ago and loved her sweet whimsical designs. She loves stitchery and applique - a girl after my own heart. Last spring at quilt market in Pittsburgh we were chatting and I thought how fun it would be to have her come to the nest to teach when she comes to Minneapolis for quilt market this spring. So we brain stormed a bit about that and she marked me down. Hard to believe that was almost a year ago. Soooooo are you interested in the details? I thought you might be. The date of the workshop is May 19th and it will be held here at the nest in the early evening. The project is this adorable sweet little bag

What I love about this bag is that she will be able to teach you stitchery and applique along with all of her tips and tricks that she uses when she's stitching. I love taking classes because everyone has their own way of doing things when sewing. I always come away with something that's new to me. Your time in class will be strictly for stitching on the little center part of the bag. You will finish the rest at home and if you don't need a bag - stitch it into a pillow or frame it. The finished piece that does not include the handles is 12 x 12. Also after a little class time Gail has graciously offered to do a little trunk show of her new things from market and she will have patterns to purchase if your interested. I just love trunk shows - always so inspiring. Plus I might have a few things new from market as well - you just never know lol.
The plan for the workshop and show and tell is going to be 6-9. But we will be open starting at 5 so you can come in, look around , enjoy appetizers and dessert before the workshop and meet Gail - this will be only for those attending the workshop. Because I'm keeping this at the nest, space will be limited and you will need to register and prepay for the evening. The cost of the evening is 40.00 which includes your workshop fee, kit and supplies for the applique stitchery part, trunk show with Gail, appetizers, dessert, beverage and a little thank you giftie from me. If your interested in this please email me at and we can get you set-up.
Head over to Gail's blog and learn a little bit more about her. She's such a sweetheart of a lady, funny and so much fun to listen to - geeee do you think she thinks I have an accent lol - I bet she does. I can tell you that you will have an fun and inspiring time and it will be a great way to spend an spring evening.
Nothing new on etsy this week to share with you all. I will be away from my computer for a few days so I will save the fabric and wool destash sale for the next blog posting Wednesday April 1st and I can tell you it won't be a joke on you lol. Sorry couldn't resist. But there will be a great deal on wool fat eighths and fat quarters in fabric as I clean out that last corner.
Have an awesome week and I hope it involves some needle and thread time just for you.
In Stitches - Karen
Well here we are again the middle of the week and time to post. I'm getting here a little late today - but it was busy in the nest this afternoon with some company who needed wool for several different projects and that put me behind - but dang that was fun. Always love helping people pick out the perfect piece of wool for a project. So I will keep this short and sweet and to the point.
Thank you so much for all the orders last week. Everything is shipped and for many of you a reimbursement in postage was sent to your paypal account. I'm hoping that I have it figured out on the etsy site so that it works much better regarding the postage end of it. I do try and ship within a day or 2 when an order comes in - but I'm putting 1-3 days for shipping while I clear out fun things.
So as I said the great destash continues at the Farmhouse. I'm on a roll here people lol and it feels so good. I've been spending my extra time trying to reorganize my fabrics, wool and space in general. Which of course takes away from sewing - but it's something that is long overdue and no time like the present. So you will find some good deals today on the etsy site. Most of the kits I listed today I only have a couple left - some just one. You will also find some homespun bundles I'm moving as well. I've decided to get rid of all my fat quarters and open up the space that those take. When I'm kitting I'm taking off the bolt - so those fat quarters are for those who stop by - but I've decided not to have those anymore. Lots more of those types of bundles to come both in cotton and fat eighths of wool. Also a few little wool bundles and a pretty neutral stash builder of fat eighths.
So that's it for tonight - it's getting late and I need some supper. Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next Wednesday.
Wow it's Wednesday already. I feel like we just chatted and it's been a week already. Thank you for all the orders last week. They have all shipped as of Monday so you should be seeing them either today or tomorrow. Also I've received some emails regarding the cute little quilt hangers I showed in this picture
If your interested in purchasing any of those quilt hangers please pop an email to my friend who makes them - and she will help you out.
So what's new on the Etsy site today. Well I continue to clean out and clear out my notions. Today you will find groupings of Valdani pearl cotton. It's a great thread to stitch with and I personally have quite a stash of colors. Also you will find some close outs on a few kits, scissors, charm packs and fat quarter and fat eighth bundles.
New on the etsy site are a couple of sweet little kits for spring - one called Bunny Love
and another one called Springtime
Also a few new quilt kits for you to check out. This one is made using Kathy Schmitz pattern called Full Bloom and uses her fabric line called Patchwork Garden. This quilt is made using layer cakes for the pieced front and how you make the blocks is a quick and unique way. It's a great quilt for using all year long
Also is a fun and super quick quilt to piece. The blocks are actually a panel made to look like a stripe. You add a little sashing, cornerstones and boom it's done. The kit makes a perfect table topper 48 x 48 size.
So there's a few things that are happening on the Etsy site. I'm going to continue to widdle down my inventory to the basics that I use on a daily basis. I was running out of room in the nest and so reducing what's in there is a must. This will be ongoing for several more weeks as I move forward in cleaning out the excess.
If you have any questions please shoot me an email and I will get right back to you. Otherwise I will see you back here next week. I'm off for dinner out tonight with some friends to celebrate a couple of retirements. That's a fun reason to celebrate.
Enjoy the week
Here we are at Wednesday already. I sure hope your week has been going well so far and that you've had some stitching time in your days.
Thank you for all the orders with the new Etsy site. For those of you who ordered the Saltbox Sampler kits - if you have any questions on your kits please pop me an email and I will get right back to you.
As I sat down to this afternoon to get things listed on the etsy site I realized that I deleted several pictures for some quilts that I had already taken. So tomorrow I will have Mr. Farmhouse hold up a few quilts and get some pictures so that I can list them. But you will find a couple of cute projects listed already. My friend M.E. made up a few samples for the quilt retreat and had a couple of extra kits so I told her I would share them with you. Her quilt kits come packaged in darling wooden boxes. She is also the one who makes those wooden quilt hangers a couple of you asked me about. She will have some ready to share with you in the near future.
As I think I said before - or maybe it was all in my head lol - I'm going to be thinning out things that I just don't use in the nest like I thought I would. Today I've listed some notions along with wool thread and some Sulky 12 wt thread as well. The Sulky is great for embroidery and is the same as using 2 strands of floss. Also you will find some marking pens along with a glue pen. Next up will be the Valdani 12 wt pearl cotton. I need a little time to organize that tho. These are great prices on the above mentioned items. Wholesale or even a little below that. I'm trying to make the best use of my space and limit my products to kits only. So that would be my flash sale today to share with you. I will also be chatting about it over on Instagram. If your interested pop on over to my Etsy site - the link is in the upper right hand corner of this blog
That's all I've got today - this is getting later than I thought and I'm a bit behind.
Until Next Time